China, Abortion and LGBTQ Issues Spark Debate Over US Defense Spending Bill


Geopolitics is redrawing trade and shipping fleets. (Photo: Shutterstock/Printextar)

On Friday U.S. House of Representatives passed the fiscal 2024 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), a bill that sets policy for the Department of Defense and authorizes $886 billion in spending. The vote was largely along party lines, with Republicans adding culturally conservative amendments. 

The bill includes a pay raise for military members and initiatives to counter China. The Biden administration and Republican lawmakers remain at odds about several China-related provisions in the NDAA). Democrats warned that most of them would not support the NDAA due to the inclusion of controversial amendments, such as reversing the Defense Department’s policy on reimbursing abortion-related travel expenses and prohibiting the Pentagon from paying for gender-affirming surgeries and hormone treatment.

The bill’s fate remains uncertain as it now moves to the Senate for debate, where Democrats hold a narrow majority. The House and Senate will need to negotiate a compromise before the bill can become law.

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