Kenyan President Ruto Urges Africa’s Focus on Climate Action for Lasting Security and Prosperity


William Ruto, Fortune Charumbira at Pan African Parliament

Kenyan President and Chair of the Committee of African Heads of State and Government on Climate Change (CAHOSCC), Dr. William Samoei Ruto, emphasized the importance of climate action as the key priority commitment for Africa’s security, stability, and prosperity. Speaking at the 3rd Pan-African Parliament’s Summit on Climate Policy and Equity, President Ruto highlighted Africa’s natural resources, untapped green energy potential, and youthful population as critical elements in mitigating climate change and driving a green industrial revolution.

President Ruto emphasized the need for a fundamental shift in understanding Africa’s global role in climate change discussions. Despite Africa’s minimal contribution to global greenhouse gas emissions (only 4%), the continent faces significant impacts. Current discourse primarily focuses on compensation, funding for adaptation, and resilience. President Ruto announced that the upcoming African Climate Summit in Nairobi will consolidate Africa’s position and provide an opportunity to unlock Africa’s potential to positively influence the global climate agenda.

President Ruto recognized the Pan-African Parliament (PAP) as a crucial organ of the African Union, stating that it plays a vital role in formulating sustainable solutions to the continent’s challenges. He urged the PAP to go beyond its legislative and oversight functions, emphasizing its role as a forum for developing African solutions to African problems.

Addressing concerns about Africa’s portrayal as subordinate and helpless, President Ruto called for a shift in mindset among African and global leaders. He emphasized the need for a more accurate and aspirational portrayal of Africa that recognizes its abundant resources and developmental potential.

President Ruto also discussed the Africa Continental Free Trade Area Agreement (AfCFTA), lauding it as a step in the right direction to enhance intracontinental trade and present Africa as a competitive trade destination. He highlighted the importance of establishing a global trade framework with incentives for low-emission production, similar to the European Union’s Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) while cautioning about its potential negative impact on African exports.

Chief Fortune Charumbira commended President Ruto’s transformative leadership and urged widespread dissemination of his speech across the African continent, emphasizing the need for all Africans to be aware of his ideas and ideology.


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