African Governance Architecture Support Project Stakeholders Meet for Planning and Evaluation
The African Governance Architecture Support Project (AGA-SP) Technical Oversight Committee (TOC) 2-day meeting commenced today at the Seat of the Pan-African Parliament (PAP) in Midrand, South Africa. The 2-day meeting, hosted by the PAP, brings together key stakeholders to evaluate and plan the future course of the project in relation to the importance of open data portals in promoting transparency, accountability, and public participation in African Union institutions, as well as, explore common roadmap.
The first day of the meeting focused on stakeholder presentations, highlighting the progress made in the past six months and sharing reflections on successes and lessons learned. The Mid-Term Evaluation Team also provided a briefing on the evaluation outcomes. Stakeholders are expected share best practices and experiences will be discussed to facilitate the successful implementation of the remaining project activities.
In her opening remarks, Ms. Lindiwe Khumalo, who is the Clerk of the Parliament and Technical Chair of AGA Bureau, emphasized the importance of aligning the evaluation and planning exercises with the priorities of the African Union’s leadership and the aspirations of African citizens. “I am returning from Kigali Rwanda, where the AU gathered to discuss its reform. We ought to ensure that collaboration as part of this project reflects the needs of our peoples and the priorities of our Union. This is critical for the AGA-SP to remain relevant,” she said.
Mr. Gali Massa Harou, in his welcome remarks, conveyed greetings from the Bureau of the PAP and expressed optimism for productive consultations over the next two days. “I am delighted that the meetings will provide a platform to engage with the European Union Delegation in cross learning and obtaining clarity of their expectations with regard to project delivery so far and plans if any, for a future iteration of AGA-SP,” said the former Acting Clerk of the Pan-African Parliament. He emphasized the significance of engaging with the European Union Delegation to gain insights and clarity regarding project delivery and potential future iterations of AGA-SP.
To facilitate effective coordination and synergy among project stakeholders, Expertise France, responsible for implementing the Technical Assistance (TA) support to the five AGA Platform Members, has established a two-tiered governance structure. This structure includes the Technical Oversight Committee and the Stakeholder Consultation Meeting, providing platforms for stakeholders to review progress, exchange ideas, and learn from each other in the context of AGA-SP implementation.
About The African Governance Architecture Support Project
The AGA-SP is a collaborative initiative between the African Union (AU) and the European Union (EU) aimed at promoting good governance in Africa. The project is implemented through a grant component, benefiting five AGA Platform Members: the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights (ACHPR), the Pan-African Parliament (PAP), the African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM), the African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights (AfCHPR), and the Committee on the Rights and Welfare of the Child (ACERWC). In addition, grants have been awarded to two Civil Society Consortia, namely the Charter Africa Project and Data for Governance Alliance Project.