African Parliament President Presents 1st Performance Report for 2023

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The Pan-African Parliament concluded its Second Ordinary Session plenary presentations today with President H.E. Right Hon Chief Fortune Zephania Charumbira’s comprehensive report on the Parliament’s achievements and challenges during the period of January to May 2023. The report highlighted the institution’s efforts in fulfilling its quasi-legislative, oversight, and representative mandate, as well as its commitment to addressing emerging issues and strengthening relationships with other African Union (AU) organs and partners.

President Charumbira began his presentation by quoting Thomas S. Monson, emphasizing the importance of measuring and reporting performance to drive improvement. He outlined the Corporate Goals set by the Bureau of the Pan-African Parliament, which included transforming the institution for greater effectiveness, mainstreaming the voices of African people, strengthening its role in continental governance, formulating model laws, and supporting the acceleration of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) implementation, among others.
The Performance Report, presented in accordance with the provisions of the Sirte Protocol and the Rules of Procedure of the Pan-African Parliament, aimed to provide an overview of the activities and outputs achieved during the reporting period.
Under the strategic objective of strengthening parliamentary functions, the Pan-African Parliament actively participated in meetings and summits of AU Policy Organs, enhancing its relationship with other AU organs and advocating for increased budgetary allocations. The Parliament’s engagement in the 146th Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) Assembly and the 5th Congress of Speakers of Arab Councils and Parliaments further boosted its visibility and role in international parliamentary diplomacy.
The Parliament also focused on strengthening partnerships, coordination, outreach, and institutional capacity. It renewed collaborations with regional and international bodies such as the Parliamentary Union of Member Countries of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (PUIC) and engaged in official visits to Algeria, the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic, Saudi Arabia, and Kenya. Additionally, the Pan-African Parliament worked closely with the African Union Commission and participated in election observation missions, demonstrating its commitment to human rights and social inclusion goals.
In terms of knowledge management, communication, and advocacy, the Pan-African Parliament engaged with the media during the AU Assembly and organized the Pan-African Parliament Day, which aimed to raise awareness about AU decisions and policies. The Parliament also participated in the African Union Model AU Summit and collaborated with the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) on food security and nutrition in Africa.
Despite these achievements, President Charumbira highlighted several challenges faced by the Pan-African Parliament. These challenges included inadequate human and financial resources, delays in staff recruitment, lack of incentives for the Bureau and Members of Parliament, poor attendance at sessions, slow ratification of the Malabo Protocol, and duplication of functions between the Pan-African Parliament and other AU organs.
In conclusion, the Pan-African Parliament’s report showcased its dedication to fulfilling its mandate and advancing the interests of African citizens. By mainstreaming the voices of African people, promoting dialogue, and strengthening institutional capacity, the Parliament aims to enhance synergy and linkages with other AU organs and institutions. However, addressing the challenges identified will be crucial for the Parliament to maximize its impact and effectively contribute to the realization of Agenda 2063 and the AfCFTA implementation.
As the plenary session is expected to conclude today on Thursday, June 1st, the Pan-African Parliamentarians are expressing their commitment to continued progress and collaboration with its stakeholders to achieve a prosperous and integrated Africa.